What’s Up to the Women?

It’s the quintessential difference between Republicans and Democrats. I don’t mean beliefs or legislative platform. I mean their ability to coalesce around a candidate and move forward expeditiously to get him or her elected.

Super Tuesday came and went without a resolution to who will be the Democrats’ standard bearer, while John McCain’s  ascent  to front-runner status was aided  by the Republicans’ winner-take-all-delegates primary rules. The Democrats–we both love then and hate them for this characteristic–are more, well, democratic. So they have a complex if not downright Byzantine, proportional  formula for awarding delegates to their nominating conventions.

Which brings me to the importance of women in this election this year. Check out the state-by-state breakdown in Women’s e-News today. Women are the majority in the population, even more so the majority of voters because a larger percentage of women then men actually cast votes. And this year, the intersection of race and gender has made the breakdown of how women cast their votes more volatile than ever, as African American women–a pivotal Democratic constituency–are choosing to vote for Barack Obama in epic proportions, as high as 80%.

The flip side of that coin, much less talked about, is that white men are the pivotal Republican constituency.

Ellen Malcolm, founder of Emily’s List, is fond of saying “When women vote, women win.”  Will that be literally true in this this first-ever presidential election when a woman president is actually a possibility?


Sex, Power, Pandemics, and How Women
Will Take The Lead for (Everyone’s) Good

The new book from Gloria Feldt about the future, taking the leadership lessons learned from this disruption and creating a better world for all through the power of intention.


  1. Eddi on May 13, 2011 at 4:47 pm

    I’m not easily irmpseesd. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂

  2. Suricati on November 28, 2012 at 1:24 pm

    I have loved meeting and getnitg to know so many wonderful women through blogging. Its amazing that we can connect with like minded people without having to leave our living rooms. I find daily inspiration other people’s stories!

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