Books, Inc: San Francisco, California

Top Left: Captured at Books Inc–just a few of the powerful women in this audience: front left: Marya Stark (Emerge America board chair); middle left Google executive Rachel Payne; back row my editor at Seal Press Brooke Warner and publisher Krista Lyons; Front row center activist par excellence Marilyn Fowler representing Women’s Intercultural Network-California Women’s Agenda, and right semi-hidden by my book is environmental blogger Beth Terry of Fake Plastic Fish.

Top Right: Me and Heidi Groshelle at the Books, Inc. signing

Bottom Left: Blogger Beth Terry (check out Fake Plastic Fish) tells her inspiring story of how she used the power tool “create a movement” and got Brita to make its filters recyclable.

Bottom Right: Marilyn Fowler, stalwart leader of U.S. Women Connect and the Women’s Intercultural Network shares her power to story.

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