Why Hillary Will Lead More Women To Partake in Politics

Like Kristen said in her post at Girl With Pen, “Now That The Dust Has Settled (Sort Of)”, Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for president is still fascinating to ponder. I was recently asked to write an article on the topic for the ILF Digest, the journal of a think tank I’ve been a fellow of (I find this terminology amusing, but have never come up with an acceptable alternative—can you?) for some years. It won’t be published for a few weeks but I’d like to share an excerpt here because takes up where Kristen’s questions were leading:

Despite many problems with sexism in the culture and media that made themselves self-evident during Hillary Clinton’s campaign, there are even more reasons to be optimistic that Clinton’s presidential run will be a net plus in motivating women to enter politics. I predict a sea change in women’s participation in politics up and down the ticket and in non-elective political roles as well, for these reasons:

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How Bo Diddley Can Teach Hillary a Note or Two

It’s been a tough week. The death of legendary rock n’ roller Bo Diddley and the demise of Hillary Clinton’s groundbreaking presidential campaign both hit me hard. I’m a cockeyed optimist, but these two events forced me to confront certain basic truths: dreams don’t always come true; hopes sometimes remain just that.

So the passing of the musical pioneer whose distinctive raw sounds [be sure to watch this video] made my bones dance of their own volition as a teenager of the 1950’s is as traumatic as the passing of the campaign of the first viable female presidential candidate is today to this mature woman, whose life’s work has been about advancing equality and justice for women.

I never paid attention to Diddley’s lyrics; I was simply moved by the rhythms. But now they seem quite relevant.

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Barack’s Hubris

Oh honestly. At 9:53pm Barack Obama called John McCain to congratulate him on winning the Republican primary and tell him he looked forward to running against him in the fall. Now that’s hubris way beyond the confidence Clinton exuded in the famous Katie Couric interview when she said she’d be the Democratic nominee and was excoriated by the press. OK, Chris Matthews, are you going to notice and beat up on Obama?

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Speak Up Some More on Hillary

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had it with the snark about Hillary Clinton, judging things about her they would never even notice in a man.

But when you are the first anything, you’ll never be seen with an unjaundiced eye. In the end, Hillary Clinton’s candidacy is a giant step toward normalizing the idea of women running for highest office. Until then we will continue to be barraged with misogynist Chris Matthews rants and websites selling Hillary Clinton nutcrackers.

Fortunately, as a counterbalance and a ligher touch, in the February MORE.com forum online, Deborah Siegel, author of Sisterhood Interrupted, asked women (generally 40 and up) who have themselves accomplished many firsts to weigh in on what a Hillary presidency might look like. Says Deborah, ” The forum is richer than the squabbles that dominate the news, and I feel it’s so very important to inject some fresh takes into the public conversation.”

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Clinton, Couric, and Chris Matthews’ Sexist Spin

When it comes to Chris Matthews’s interpretation of Hillary Clinton’s words—any of her words—she’s damned if she yeas and damned if she nays.

After gloating that a new poll found Hillary losing in a matchup with any one of five Republican presidential candidates, Matthews later in the same program spun her November 26 interview with Katie Couric, in which–like any candidate with half a brain and a quarter of a spine–Clinton showed confidence in her ability to win the Democratic nomination.

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